The Little Book of Common Sense Investing

$ 5.69 USD
John C. Bogle

The best-selling index investing "bible" offers new information and is updated to reflect the latest market data The Little Book of Common Sense Investing is the classic guide to getting smart about the market. Legendary mutual fund veteran John C. Bogle reveals his key to getting more out of investing: low-cost index funds. Bogle describes the simplest and most effective investment strategy for building wealth over the long term: buy and hold, at very low cost, a mutual fund that tracks the S&P 500 Stock Index. Such an index portfolio is the only investment that guarantees your fair share of stock market returns. This strategy is favored by Warren Buffett, who has endorsed this best selling 10th Anniversary Edition. The book shows you how to make index investing work for you and help you achieve your financial goals, cut through the hype to see what's really in your best interest, and analyze the metrics that truly matter.

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