Silent" books: what are they and how to read them?

Dec 12, 2022

"Silent" books are a great option for joint reading between adults and children, because it will help to talk about difficult topics and read/tell the story in your own way thanks to the pictures. And silent books help to overcome language barriers, because the plot of the story is understandable without words.

IBBY (International Board of Books for Children and Young Adults) has developed 5 tips for reading "silent" books in communities that do not speak the same language:

1. Choose or create a cozy place for reading. Spread books everywhere. Start reading in small groups, you can increase them later - welcome new reading participants.

2. Encourage everyone present to hold the book in their hands, look inside, flip through the pages - approach the book and each other without fear.

3. Take deep breaths. Feel the silence. Enjoy the lack of words. Make sure everyone is ready to read. This is a new journey to a new place and with new friends. A book is a powerful tool that can give a feeling of real peace and tranquility.

4. Calmly listen to the silence and turn page after page. Point to individual items and participate in the story with those around you.

5. Follow what is happening around the participants of the reading. If everyone is listening carefully, continue. If not, be brave and change the book.