Not only talent: books that will help you believe in yourself and achieve success

Dec 12, 2022

Talent is only a small component of success, and even then, if it is developed. Because they become famous and successful thanks to persistent, long hours of work. So if you don't have God's spark, but you have an irresistible desire to write paintings, books or conquer the theater, don't delay. Time running out is your only obstacle on the way to your dream.

1.Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: A Creative Life Without Fear

Fear is what prevents us from being creative. And while you are hanging out with him, something fantastic is happening in the world, but without your participation. Creativity is the path of the brave, so sooner or later, you will have to take the first step. At first it will be difficult and scary, not everything will be successful, and that's normal, but later confidence will increase. Because this is how magic works: if you practice something for a long time, you improve your skills over time, and mistakes do not become the end of the world, but useful and necessary experience.

2.Matthew McConaughey, "Green Light"

It is not enough to be famous and rich to be truly happy. Sometimes we do something that is easy for us, but we do not reveal our creative potential to its full potential. And when this realization comes, we are faced with a difficult choice: to maintain stability or to take risks? Matthew McConaughey is sure that you need to take a break, go on a journey, believe in yourself... and take risks.

3.Tais Zolotkovska, "Writing is like breathing." 62 days of creative freedom"

If you dream of writing, but you lack ideas and inspiration, you have 62 days to make creativity a part of your life and learn to create not by force, but by pleasure.

Every day, Tais will give you tasks that will awaken your inner writer and help you discipline yourself. You will learn to notice details, create bright characters, go beyond the usual vision, edit what is written without tears and blood.